Importance of V-Belts in Power Industry

Importance of V-Belts in Power Industry
  • By: Admin
Importance of V-Belts in Power Industry

V-Belts are a distinct type of industrial belts that are used across a number of industries. These specialized and top quality belts are meant for power transmission purposes in various sectors but they are just a recent sensation invented several decades ago.

Why V-Belts?

Prior to V-belt, flat belts were in use. Flat belts were an easier system to carry out power transmission in earlier days. These deliver immense power at high speeds but due to their wider form huge pulleys were required which consumed immense space that needed high tension, leading to high loads. Hence, these specialized V-belts were then crafted to replace them that you can see for short distance power transmission. Now you may be wondering what is to do with the letter ‘V’ that makes for this belt category. Just keep reading the blog for more!

The shape of ‘V’:-

You will be amazed to know that these top quality belts are usually endless & their general cross-section shape is trapezoidal which gives the name ‘V’. Observe the ‘V’ shape of these belts that track in a matching groove within the sheave to ensure that the belt doesn’t slip out! It is also interesting to know that this unique type of belting tends to wedge within the groove whenever the load increases. Here, the more the load, the more the wedging action which enhances torque transmission & thus V-Beltings can become the ideal solution for your power transmission system.

The Functionality:-

Post reading about the past and introduction of V-Belts, you also need to know about its functionality that will lead you towards its present state. Always remember that these specialized V-belts are situated at the front side of a power transmission system’s engine. These unique beltings are usually set up as a series of belts that come off the crankshaft. Moreover, you can also see that V-Belts along with their pulley system can take the torque that comes from the crankshaft rotation & utilize it for driving the ancillary components inside the engine namely the alternator, water pump & power steering pump. By observing such functionality you will surely realize that V-Belts along with their complementing pulley play a crucial role in the total vehicle (system) operations.

Analysing the Present:-

After you have in detail gone through the functionality described above, you can also keep in mind the common usages of V-belts to understand their value in the present times. These specialized beltings are used very commonly within industrial as well as agricultural machineries. Here, you can use these beltings for any system from large size tractors to production equipment, whatever pertains to your business. These products can surely turn out to be an essential component for you within the manufacturing industry!

The Future thereafter:-

The future of these V-Belts isn’t that bleak as some sceptics may convey to you via numerous online articles. Although serpentine belts and different other types of beltings have come into use in the twenty-first century, there’s no need for you to totally write off these robust and widely used belts. These specialized beltings have and will keep carrying on transmitting power in your and other industries with perfection. Proper maintenance and replacements when needed on a regular basis can enable V-Belts to perform awesomely for your machinery in whatever business you carry out!

We, at Ajanta Belts, are the esteemed Industrial V Belt Manufacturers in Karnal.